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Products Specifications
We are a complete fabrication unit based in Faridabad, serving some of the top Industry leaders. We are an ISO 9001:2015 certified company. Founded in the year 2004, we have been continuously growing at a great pace. We stand for guaranteed customer satisfaction through continual improvement in our commitment to quality, reliability and consistency for a long term association with our esteemed customers, as per quality management system.Through our innovative working and continuous improvements, we have been continuously reducing cost and improving quality.
We are the one of largest fabrication vendors to Action Construction Equipment Ltd (ACE), which is India’s largest Mobile Crane Manufacturing Company, and Sandvik Asia P Ltd, which is world’s largest stone mining & crushing company, among many others.
We Manufacture:
- All kinds of Booms for Hydra Cranes.
- Tractor Front Support, Bonnet & other parts.
- Complete Driver Cabins for Hydra Cranes & Backhoes.
- Tower Crane Chassis and Winch Assemblies.
- Backhoe & Loader Chassis & Arms Assemblies.
- Backhoe & Loader Buckets.
- Compactors Chassis, Frames & Assemblies.
- Intermediate Casings, Air Slides for Cement Plants.
- Hoppers for Cement & Stone Crushing Plants.
- Conveyor for Cement & Stone Crushing Plants.
- Main Frames, Chassis & Cradle/Yoke for Hydra Cranes.
- Manual Conveyors for Packaging Industries.
- All Kinds of Profiles used in Industry.